Hitchcock’s “The Birds”: Review & Analysis of Main Elements

The Birds PosterThe Birds [1963] – ★★★★★

🐦 Fifty-five years on, Alfred Hitchcock’s highly atmospheric, suspenseful and original horror creation is still a “must-see” film.

This film by the “master of suspense”, Alfred Hitchcock, takes inspiration from a story by Daphne Du Maurier (Rebecca (1940)) of the same name, and is about strange behaviour of birds in Bodega Bay, California. The centre of the story is Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren), a wealthy socialite, who romantically pursues a lawyer, Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor). While we watch this pair’s romantic tension and a love triangle developing, the birds in the area start to attack people, and what initially looks like a light and intriguing romance story takes a sinister turn as we are confronted with unimaginable horrors. Technically complex, The Birds represents one of Hitchcock’s most admirable accomplishments. In it, an intriguing romance story with some thought-provoking elements meets an original take on horror, and the result is a truly classic, “must-see” film.

The Birds starts innocently enough: one wealthy and opinionated young woman, Melanie Daniels, meets one charming young lawyer, Mitch Brenner, in a pet shop in San Francisco. However, this is no ordinary Hollywood romance. Unusual by the standards of that time, Hedren plays a strong-willed, clever lady who first teases the man she fancies and then pursues him actively. Even though Melanie is presented as feminine, enticing and flirty, we also guess that she is not “one’s usual blond” or spoiled socialite. There is more to her than first meets the eye. As she encounters Mitch in a pet shop, she lets him believe that she is a shop-assistant, and advises him on a type of bird to buy for his sister for her birthday. Mitch, who is “all-man”, from his jaw line to his “serious profession”, in turn, tries to pinpoint her weaknesses in knowledge. The “battle of wits” between the characters of Hedren and Taylor is fascinating to watch because we sense that, even though both try to outsmart each other, they also feel strong mutual attraction. Even before any birds come into play, the film already shines with wonderfully-constructed scenes and interesting dialogues.

To describe the film as pure fiction will also not be entirely correct since Hitchcock was aware of news circulating at the time that told of people being attacked by birds without any explanation, and the film progresses forward paying only slight attention to the birds’ growing threat. When Melanie visits the pet shop, there are many birds flying in the sky, but nothing at all hints at the disaster that awaits everyone. That is the genius of Hitchcock – to drop small hints and messages to the audience here and there, which then accumulate to produce an effective overall result. One of the first incidents of the birds’ invasion is when Melanie gets struck by a gull in her small boat as she visits Mitch’s home. She is on the mission to give a secret present of love-birds to Mitch’s young sister, Cathy. As is typical of Hitchcock, it is not words, but actions that speak the loudest in the film. Rebuffed by Mitch in their first meeting, Melanie takes matters into her own hands and goes to some lengths to buy love-birds for Cathy, find out Mitch’s real name and then go all the way to Bodega Bay and to Mitch’s house to “secretly” leave the birds there. All the theatricality and that obsession with an observer’s point of view so prevalent in Hitchcock’s Rope (1948) and Rear Window (1954) are also on display in The Birds, especially in the scene where Mitch takes binoculars to look for Melanie, as the latter attempts to make her getaway by boat after leaving behind the recently purchased love-birds.

We then uncover deeper layers to Melanie’s character as her relationship with Mitch grows, and the interesting personalities of Mitch’s mother and the local school teacher emerge. Annie Hayworth (Suzanne Pleshette) who works at the Bodega Bay School invites Melanie into her house to stay the night, and we learn that Hayworth has her own story to tell about Mitch and his family. The classical “blond vs. brunette” psychological battle for the man (Mitch) ensues, only to be overshadowed by the equally compelling presentation of the character of Jessica Tandy, who plays Lydia Brenner, Mitch’s mother. The Psycho (1960)’s influence is felt when Lydia’s overprotective manner towards her son and the fear of loneliness attempt to derail Melanie’s schemes towards Mitch. Despite the slow, unhurried scenes, the tension between the characters is fascinating to behold, especially as Lydia feels more and more threatened and intimidated by the courageous and determined blond who seems to be after her son. 

Hitchcock’s ability to present the most innocent things as potentially dangerous was next to none. The scene where children sing at school turns unnerving when birds start to gather around the premises. Birds then clearly start to attack people in the story, such as during Cathy’s birthday party or on the school premises, and it is impossible not to comment here on the technical feat of the film. Hitchcock achieved something nearly impossible in The Birds by the standards of that time, experimenting non-stop. There is an effective fast-editing of key scenes, and paintings were often used to make complicated long shots. However, Hitchcock also had recourse to a new invention called “yellow screen” (the odium vapour process) under the guidance of Disney employees for some birds scenes, as well as to the precursor of today’s modern electronic music – the electronic sound composition pioneered in Germany.

The Birds

There are no explanations given why birds attack people in the film, and that had caused many theories to be put forward over the years. Something strange is happening in the story and it seems that nature may be “taking back control”. In the film, Melanie is dressed in green, and Mitch sports dark green trousers, which may hint at this couple’s “nature”/”birds” implications, with green being the colour of both “the unusual” and nature. Even the story’s pet shop may stand for the image of humans “enslaving” the birds, and now these birds have decided to “take revenge”, seeing that humans take delight and amusement in having birds as their pets. The love-birds bought by Melanie are seen in a cage, subdued and are under control of the humans, and these provide a nice contrast to the wild “bird-beasts” (black ravens) attacking children in the film.

There is also the so-called “Freudian” explanation for the behaviour of birds in the film. According to this explanation, birds are linked to women in the film and, in particular, to women around Mitch: Lydia, Annie and Kathy. Another female arrives at the scene – Melanie, who is neither too old (Lydia) nor too young (Cathy), nor even the past (Annie), but all the future possibilities, and the birds try “to regain back” the control by attacking either Melanie or those around her. The birds are the innate anger and tension directed at the newcomer. In the film, one woman points her finger at Melanie as being the cause of the recent disturbance, and, in fact, the majority of the birds’ attacks in the story happen when Melanie is in the vicinity. 

Alfred Hitchcock successfully crafted an unusual romance, an unusual intrigue and an unusual horror story, and the film works wonderfully on all these levels. The film awes even today with its atmosphere, attention to detail, directing and acting. The Birds was a film which was extremely challenging to film technically and, on that basis alone, is a great accomplishment. The weakest part of the film is still its ending, which simply leaves one hoping for a continuation and does not come to any meaningful conflict resolution. Even so, whether one looks at the film as an effective and original horror mystery, as a strange romance story with horror background or as a thought-provoking piece of art, whose Freudian or other meanings must be distilled, – all versions are equally compelling. 


hitchcock-blogathon-2018-1The ending of The Birds is as much talked about feature as its main premise. The ending of the final film shows Melanie’s car, with Mitch, Melanie, Lydia and Cathy in it, moving away from the house, with thousands of birds sitting quietly on all the roads, electric wires and fences. Arguably, this is a rather unfortunate, clearly underdeveloped ending as it provides neither a satisfactory conclusion to the story nor hints at deeper insight or explanations.

Hitchcock toyed with a number of different endings, and the original ending included in the script was never shot, largely for technical reasons and to the surprise of the screenwriter. Had the original ending been filmed, it would have provided for a more satisfactory resolution. The original ending showed the true devastation of the town (including corpses laying around) and the birds even sitting on the Golden Gate Bridge, cementing the point that the birds might have won in this battle. More importantly, the original ending was written in such a way that it becomes clear that Melanie and Lydia finally truly reconcile. In the ending, Melanie and Lydia console/hug each other in the car, with the clear meaning being that Melanie has finally found her “true mother” in Lydia, and Lydia accepted the fact that her son has finally found his “true match”. Taking into account the Freudian explanation of the story, that clear reconciliation between Melanie and Lydia would have signalled the fact that birds will not attack anyone anymore as Melanie is no longer viewed as an outsider, being a part of the family and the community.

35 Comments Add yours

  1. Excellent review!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent look at a classic of filmmaking. The Birds confounds me with the number of emotions it elicits during a viewing and in the aftermath. Hitchcock truly was a genius.


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thanks for the comment.
      I know how you feel about different emotions. Original horror aside, it is amazing how deep the film really can get if you start to think more carefully about the characters, their relationships and interactions. I am particularly impressed that one critic thought that this is the tale of air (“birds”), earth (“humanity”), fire (“explosive anger”) and water (“Melanie brought by water as a salvation”). Unbelievable how much it can be analysed.


  3. raistlin0903 says:

    An absolutely amazing and timeless classic that pretty much proves how much of a genius Hitchcock truly was. Loved this post 😀


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thanks, Michel. I quite agree, in this one, Hitchcock really put all his talent to work.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Stellar review. Very thoughtful and informative. This movie is a favorite of many movie buffs and cinephiles. It’s not one of my favorite Hitchcock films but I know I’m in the minority and that it is admired for good reason.


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thanks! I completely understand why people would prefer other Hitchcock films over this one. I guess I also liked it because it was unusual and because I love my horror too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. maddylovesherclassicfilms says:

    Excellent review of one of my favourite Hitchcock films. You are right that there is so much in this which can be endlessly analysed by viewers.

    In my own post on this film I said that I had noticed that all the attacks increase as Mitch and Melanie get closer, and as the sexual tension and desire between the two grows.

    I like that this film works equally well as both a horror thriller, and also as a relationship drama.

    I think either ending would have worked well for this film. The intended ending would have been much darker I think. Both the existing ending and the intended one also make it clear that the birds have won. The only comforting thing about the existing ending is that Mitch, Melanie, Cathy and Lydia are together and have each other to cling to. I don’t see a happy ending in the future in either of the endings though.

    Thanks so much for joining.


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Your point about sexual tension is very astute, and about the ending, I think it is also clear that Hitchcock would not have thought twice about shooting the script to the end had he physically been capable of doing so. That’s the pity – the unfinished vision, too. Even the final scene in the film we have is actually five scenes (+ paintings) overlaying each other, that’s how complicated it was to produce even that.

      It was a pleasure to contribute, as always, and I am so glad too that so many people joined.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. maddylovesherclassicfilms says:

        I wish he could have shot that ending, but I think the ending we got was pretty good though.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thank you! 🙂


  6. Brilliant analysis! I truly enjoyed reading it. 🙂 The Birds is the first Hitchcock film I ever saw! I’m a fan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Many thanks! I am glad to find another fan. The Birds was also one of the very first Hitchcock films I ever saw. Perhaps, that is why I like it so much.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love how eerie the silent bird scenes are. I don’t find myself very interested in the characters, though, unlike in other Hitchcock stories. Hedren’s performance didn’t work for me, which may be one reason. But I think I liked the simpler, more streamlined Du Maurier story, and wish that the film had been more like it.


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thanks for the comment, and I do know what you are saying about the characters and story-telling. Actually, I wanted to put something more about Hedren’s performance in my review. For a novice, her performance is very good, but compared to Tandy and other actors, it is trying, of course, in many respects, so I agree with you there. I also think people flocked to The Birds because it was a bit unusual Hitchcock. I liked this experimenting of his in story-telling, and that’s part of the reason I liked it, I guess.


  8. True Story: The first time I saw this film, I thought it was interesting and enjoyable, but I didn’t see how it could really scare someone. But I went for a lbike ride the next morning, and as I rode by some dense bushes, I inadvertently flushed out 5-6 birds. I screamed – and I mean SCREAMED. And here I had thought this film had no effect on me at all!

    Really enjoyed your review, and I liked the discussion as to why the birds might have been acting that way. I had never really wondered about it, but now you’ve got me thinking.


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thanks for your kind words, and what a story, you must have been terrified. So it is true then that after seeing “The Birds” people would not look at birds the same way anymore. It kind of is true for me too – when I see some conglomeration of birds anywhere, I am minimally conscious of something sinister going on, but it is just a fleeting thought and I never pay much attention to it. To produce a great film is one thing, but to tap into people’s consciousness and change their way of thinking about ordinary things is another thing, and, I guess, that’s Hitchcock and his masterclass.


  9. Thats a review and a half Maddy and a super read. Wanna go watch it all again now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So many Hitchcock reviews gone up and seeing Maddy name I got myself confused, doesn’t take much nowadays! hehe. Sorry meant DBmovies and there isn’t an edit button to change it. Top review

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Chris says:

    Fine write-up for one of my favorites by Hitchcock. Good observation that Hedren plays a strong-willed woman at a time when it wasn’t typical in Hollywood. I like that there’s no explanation for the bird attacks. The unknown is scarier, for the anxious characters and also for the audience. As you say, it seems that nature may be taking back control.The bird sound effects work really well and particularly shocking to me is the first bird attack at the birthday party.


    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Yes, the unknown is much scarier. The whole film is about the irrational and how people deal with it. I also agree that the birthday party attack is shocking enough; thanks for the comment, Chris!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Margot Shelby says:

    This is probably the only Hitchcock I haven’t seen. Thanks for a great review and of course I’ll watch it soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. 18cinemalane says:

    This was a really insightful and thorough article, DBmovies! You brought up some interesting points that I hadn’t really thought of before! I saw The Birds for the first time this year and, honestly, I was not a fan of it. Prior to watching this film, I had seen Rear Window, Psycho, and Strangers on a Train. Because I had seen a few of Hitchcock’s films beforehand, I knew what to expect in terms of directing style and cinematic tone. Based on the three aforementioned Hitchcock films (Rear Window, Psycho, and Strangers on a Train), I was expecting The Birds to either have a shocking ending, plot twist, or explanation for why the birds were causing so much chaos. Sadly, as a viewer, I received none of these things. The Birds’ ending made me feel like I had wasted my time watching this film. To me, the movie wasn’t scary at all. However, some of the bird attack scenes were disturbing. In my opinion, the characters didn’t add anything to the story and the only parts in this film that I liked were almost any scene where at least one bird showed up.

    Again, really good article! Best of luck in your future blogathon endeavors!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. dbmoviesblog says:

      Thank you! I understand how you feel about this film. You are right, it is not one of Hitchcock’s typical movies. I agree with you about the ending. I did not feel like the film was completely wasted because of it, but that is the reason I did not give the film full marks. I also think that it was not made as one’s typical horror movie to totally scare, but to create the atmosphere of indeterminacy, unease, disturbance and apprehension. That it certainly did. As it cannot be compared to anything made before or after it, I also think the film is very brave and original – it simply does it its own thing with a lot of creative freedom from Hitchcock – you rarely see this from a director – even nowadays, actually.

      Besides, it you think the year it was made 1963 – I think it becomes very technically advanced and superior indeed, and the characters also contribute somewhat to the story if you add some symbolical and psychological explanations to the presence of birds and their attacks. It is probably that there is much to uncover in the film if one thinks deeply about it and links people’s behaviour in the story and their concerns/jealousy with the birds’ attacks. I know it is a lot to ask from the audience, but it does become a more interesting watch as a result.

      Many thanks for your comment again! I have to say I do not often get such intelligent replies, and I am sure appreciating yours a lot.

      Liked by 1 person

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